DKS - Topola Traditional Cache
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Greckokatolicky dreveny chram sv. archanjela Michala, 1700, Narodna kulturna pamiatka
Greckokatolicky dreveny chram v Topoli bol postaveny okolo roku 1700 a zasvateny bol sv. archanjelovi Michalovi. V chrame sa uz pravidelne nesluzi.
Stavba chramu je trojdielna, trojpriestorova, jednovezova. Mohutna strecha tvori opticky jednoliaty objekt. Konstrukcia je zrubova, postavena na nizkom kamennom zaklade. Vchod je zo zapadnej strany cez predsien. Veza ma strechu v tvare zrezanej pyramidy, ktora je pokryta sindlami. Na nej je osadene podorysne mensie telo vezicky s trojramennym krizom. Na pyramidalnej strieske je konus s trojramennym krizom. Nad svatynou v zavere strechy je osadeny trojramenny kriz. Vo vezi boli povodne zavesene tri zvony. Neskorsie boli prenesene do samostatnej zvonice pri chrame. Nakoniec skoncili v novom murovanom chrame.
Ikonostas (Narodna kulturna pamiatka) vynika svojou pestrostou farieb. Ma stvorradovu architekturu s ikonami rozmiestnenymi na styroch poschodiach. Pochadza z polovice 18. stor. Diakonske dvere nie su osadene kridlami. Carske dvere su dvojkridlove so siestimi medailonmi evanjelistov a Zvestovania. V prvom hlavnom rade su umiestnene ikony sv. biskupa Mikulasa, Bohorodicky Hodigitrie, Krista Ucitela a ikona sv. archanjela Michala. Druhy rad sviatkov ma uprostred ikonu Poslednej vecere. Treti rad apostolov obsahuje v strede ikonu Krista Velknaza s Bohorodickou a sv. Janom Krstitelom. Stvrty rad je tzv. rad prorokov. Uprostred je na trojramennom cervenom krizi Kristus, po stranach s Bohorodickou a sv. evanjelistom Janom.
Sucastou arealu je aj samostatne stojaca drevena zvonica postavena v 20. stor. V sucasnosti je prazdna. Zvonica je postavena na kamennom zaklade. Jej konstrukcia je jednoducha, stlpova. Cela strecha veze je pokryta sindlami. V celnej casti strechy je umiestneny jednoduchy jednoramenny kriz.
The wooden Greek Catholic church of St. Michael the Archangel, 1700, National cultural monument
Greek Catholic wooden church in Topola was built around 1700 and dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel. The old church doesn’t serve for regular services.
The building has three parts, three spaces and one tower. Massive roof makes optically compact building. Construction is rustic, based on low stone foundation. The entrance is from the western part, leading through narthex. The tower has a roof in a shape of a cut pyramid, covered with shingles. On it is smaller body of a small tower with three-barred cross. On a shelter in a shape of a pyramid is a cone with three-barred cross. Above the sanctuary is at the end of the roof three-barred cross. Originally were three bells in the tower. Later they were transferred to the outside belfry, and finally they ended up in the new brick church.
Iconostasis (National cultural monument) shines with its variety of colors. It has architecture of four rows with icons displayed on four levels. It is dated to the middle of the 18th century. Deaconal doors have no leaves. Royal doors have two leaves and are adorned with six medallions of Evangelists and the Annunciation. In the first row are placed the icons of St. Nicholas, Theotokos (Hodigitria) Christ the Teacher and icon of St. Michael the Archangel. Second row of feasts has the icon of the Last (Mystical) Supper in the middle. Third row contains the icon of Christ the High Priest with Theotokos and St. John the Baptist in the middle. Fourth row is so called row of prophets. In the middle is Christ on red three-barred cross with the Theotokos and St. John the Evangelist on the sides.
Part of the area is also independently standing wooden belfry, built in 20th century. It is empty. Belfry is built on stone foundation. It has simple, columned structure. Whole roof of the tower is covered with shingles. In the frontal part of the roof is placed simple one-barred cross.
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