Depot Trail Mystery Cache
miscribe: It had a long run and is now being replaced.
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The cache is NOT located at the posted coordinates. The posted coordinates will take you to a plaque at the beginning of the Depot Trail where parking is available. Please limit your visits to daylight hours. FTF--tessandfriends.
To determine the actual coordinates to the cache, do the following. Begin your quest at the plaque near the large depot museum sign. QUESTION 1:How many special events occurred on July 4th at the Saline Railroad Depot between 1870 and 2006? Is its 2, 3,or 4. QUESTION 2: In the early years, how many passenger trains a day arrive in Saline? 5 or 6. QUESTION 3: In what year did passenger service end? 1928 1931. QUESTION 4: The Saline Railroad Depot has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Department of the Interior. In what year was the depot built? 1860 1870. QUESTION 5: What is the number of the East Bound train due to arrive in Saline? 25 26. QUESTION 6: In what year was the caboose built? 1906 1907. QUESTION 7: How many beds are there in the caboose? 2 or 4. QUESTION 8: Bryan Finfrock received his Eagle Scout award for his work in constructing the windmill tower. What Boy Scout troop did he belong to? 416 or 417. QUESTION 9: Across the tracks from the livery barn are the foundation blocks that once supported a wood tower with a railroad water tank on top. How many of these are clearly larger than the others. 7, 5, or 2. QUESTION 10: How many railroad spikes are incorporated in the metal sculpture located at the far end of the Depot Trail? 2, 4, or 1. TO DETERMINE THE ACTUAL CACHE COORDINATES USE YOUR ANSWERS FOR EACH QUESTION AND DO THE BASIC ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION. ANS MEANS ANSWER!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*******--** N 42° 10.XYZ X= (ans 2 – ans 1) Y = (ans 7 + ans 10) Z = (ans 7 – ans 1) -------------------------------------------*********W 083º 46. XYZ X= (ans 7+ ans 1) Y= (ans 7 + ans 10) Z= (ans 10 – ans 10);************************************************************************************" /> GEOCHECK
Additional Hints
"yvggyr erq pnobbfr,
fZbxrfgnpx ba uvf oNpx,
puhTtvat qbjA gur genpx,
jngpu lbhe fgRc
naq fGrc nobneq dhVPx"
ng gur raq bs gur genpx