Honestly, I was just out minding my own business, looking for a place to hide a cache for a puzzle I had just finished working on. The area I ventured into was quite ominous looking, devilish even. There were many places to hide a cache here, but something grabbed my eye... one spot, different from all the other hiding spots around me. I was compelled to investigate, even though I knew it could only house a micro. So I quickly checked it out, then was about to walk away and look over the multitude of places where I could hide an ammo box. Just then I looked down at my GPSr and was amazed and horrified when I realized where I was. I was standing in the middle of a LOCUS OF EVIL! Suddenly I felt driven to join Kengi and his followers, contributing another cache to his demonic series.

At the listed coordinates look for an "ancient stone marker". Ages ago there was a plaque bolted into the stone, containing a message with some kind of number code. It is no longer there. The plaque was ripped apart by some super human force. This is said to have happened sometime in the mid to late seventh century.
Down through the ages a few select people have gazed at the rock in a trance, and claim that they could see the details of the message appear on the remnant stone marker. Most of them ran away in fear. The few that deciphered the number code and followed it were never seen from again.
Go ahead, stare at the picture of the stone. Will you be one of the select few to see the message? Will you try to forget what you saw, and go on with your normal life? Or will you come and seek out it's secret?
That's totally up to you. Remember, it's only a micro. But it is still large enough to hold a dogtag or a microcoin.
If you think you see the message in the stone, you can find out if you are correct at GeoCheck
This is the 10th cache in "The Devil is in the Details" series. Thanks to kengi for the original idea and for his willingness for the idea to spread. Hiders who wish to help extend this series, please feel free. Just keep the same naming convention, and try to keep the cache within a few feet of the locus of evil.