Kanci stezka / Boar Trail Multi-Cache
Skupec Reviewer: Archivace listingu keše
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Kanci stezka / Boar Trail
Size:  (regular)
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Pekná procházka Klánovickým lesem po místních cestickách i když trochu delsí. KOUKNETE SE NA FOTKY V LOGU - POMOHOU!
Nice walk through the Klanovice woods along local paths even if a bit longer. LOOK AT THE PHOTOS - THEY MIGHT HELP!!!
Tuto cache jsme schovali pri jedne z cetnych a dlouhych prochazek po Klanovickem lese. Je tu spoustu zajimavych mist a cesticek a pry i kanci, ale my jsme nastesti jeste zadneho nevideli :-)
Kdyby nekdo videl kance at nam posle fotku !
START: Jsi na startu teto asi 4 km dlouhe multicache, stoupni na poklop kanálu a najdi strom s cernym cislem v bilem poli - to cislo je tvuj klic k dalsi zastavce, cislo A. POZOR: Od ted cestou az do finale pocítejte cyklisty, ktere potkáte, bude se Vám to hodit.
STAGE 1: Je na souradnicich N 50° 05.(3xA+15) E 014° 41.(3xA-9). Postav se zady k Praze a celem na Kolin a najdi bily milnik se 4mi cernymi cislicemi (abc'd). Secti je (a+b+c+d) a ziskas svuj klic k dalsi zastavce - cislo B.
STAGE 2: Presun se na souradnice N 50° 05.(A+B)5 E 014° 42.(A+B)x2+20. Cestou muzes odlovit dalsi cache! Najdes tady piknikovy stul, jestli nespechas a mas sebou svacinu, snez ji! Az to bude, spocitej pocet nohou stolu a skoro budes vedet, kde te ceka hledani pokladu - tve cislo C! Pocítali jste cestou cyklisty? Snad ano, protože nyní vezmete ten pocet cyklistu plus 13, což je dvojciferné císlo XY. Od toho odectete první císlici X a druhou císlici Y, výsledek podelíte první císlicí X a máte císlo D.
CACHE: Hledej podle hintu na souradnicich N 50° 05.(221xC+B+1) E 014° 42.(A-5-B)xCxD+14. Hodne stesti!
This cache we hid during one of the numerous and long walks at the Klánovice forest. There's plenty of interesting places and paths, and they said you could meet the boars. Fortunately we have not seen any yet :-)
If anyone saw a boar, please send us a picture!
START: You are at the start of about 4 km long Multicache. Step on the channel lid and find a tree with a black number in a white field - that number is your key to the next stage, number A. Attention: From here all the way till the cache count all the bicyclists you would meet. I will pay back ;)
STAGE 1: Go to the coordinates N 50° 05.(3xA+15) E 014° 41.(3xA-9). Stand Prague behind and Kolin in the forehead and find the white milestone with 4 black numbers. Sum them up and you get the key to your next stop - the number B.
STAGE 2: Move to the coordinates N 50° 05.(A+B)5 E 014° 42.(A+B)x2+20. You could find another cache on your way! At the coordinates you will find a picnic table, and if you are not in a rush and have a snack, eat it! When done, count the number of the table block foots and you'll almost know where the treasure awaits you - your number C! Did you count the bicyclists? Hopefuly yes, because now you add 13 to the number of the bicyclists you have count, and you get the double digit number XY. You will deduct X from XY and then deduct Y and then divide the result by X and get the number D! Now you know, where the cache is ;)
CACHE: Search by hint at coordinates N 50° 05.(221xC+B+1) E 014° 42.(A-5-B)xCxD+14.
Good luck!
Additional Hints
cnerm / fghzc