Pico Ana Ferreira EarthCache
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You will find an amazing natural builded pattern on the Pico Ana Ferreira. Can you imagine that this precise columns have been build without a ruler or hammer and chisel?
Ana Ferreira Peak is a relief produced by differential erosion due to the hardness of the mugearite rock that constitutes its core.
It was formed from magma of intermediate composition in a magma chamber underlying the peak.
Mugearite is a volcanic rock distinguishable from the surrounding more altered basalt by its grayish tone due to a more differentiated stage inside the magma chamber, becoming enriched in silica and alkalis such as Na and K.
The prismatic or columnar disjunction found in Ana Ferreira peak is due to the slow cooling of magma that gradually retracted in all directions, giving rise to a geometric pattern of thin fractures.
The regularity of this pattern, ideally perfect hexagons, is a function of the homogeneity of the rock's composition and of the gradient of heat loss.
The Pico da Ana Ferreira is one of fourteen geosites on Porto Santo. Geosites are parts of the European Network of Geoparks that have been founded in 2000, the European Network of Geoparks is to protect the geodiversidade, to promote geological heritage to the general public and to support sustainable economic development of their territories primarily through the development of geological tourism.
The network covers areas from across Europe who share these objectives and we now work together in a dynamic and active to achieve them. Initially consisting of four territories, since April 2009, the network was expanded to include 34 areas of 13 European countries.
A European Geoparque (GE) is a territory with defined borders and area sufficiently wide to allow for economic development. Includes a particular geological heritage and a territorial development strategy, supported by a European program for the promotion of development.
A GE must understand a number of geossítios (sites of geological and landscape), characterized by their scientific quality, uniqueness, educational value or aesthetic appeal.
Most geossítios of Geoparque should be part of the Geological Heritage of the country, an important aspect of Nature. Can and should be included with local archaeological interest, ecological, historical and cultural .
The geossítios should benefit from specific measures of protection and management, carried out by a clearly defined structure able to promote a policy of protection, promotion and sustainable development within the GE.
GE has an active role in economic development of its territory or by promoting an image associated with the Geological Heritage, and the development of Geoturismo.
GE has a direct impact on the area affecting the living conditions of inhabitants and the environment.
In this case the objective is to pass and allow people to revitalize the values of local or regional heritage and their active participation in its revitalization.
A GE also supports environmental education, training and development of scientific research in various disciplines of Earth Sciences, recovery of the natural environment and policies for sustainable development.
Should collaborate with businesses and local organizations to promote and support the creation of new products related to the Geological Heritage and a spirit of complementarity with other members of the European network.
Currently the network is officially recognized by UNESCO, which is associated with this initiative to conserve the natural heritage, with its sponsorship for this institution.
You can find additional information on the internet: http://www.geoparkportosanto.com/en/index.php
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answer following questions: measure the diameter of a column and the distance of the column site from one end to the other, using steps and send us both results via mail. You might want to upload a picture of you at the site, but it is optional.
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