Zaklad je skrit nekje za Blejskim Gradom. Zaklad je začasno premaknjen malce bolj na samo zaradi obilice gradbenih del okrog gradu.
The treasure is hidden somewhere behind Bled castle. The cache is temporarily moved to a more private place because of all the construction going on at the castle.
Prosim, da zaradi velikega obiska v spomladanskem in poletnem času v vpisno knjigo ne lepite nalepk in je ne žigosate, da bo ostalo čim več prostora za vpise.
Hvala za razumevanje
Because of the great visit in the spring and summer time we ask you not to stick the stickers and stamp log book, so it will remain as more space as posible for entries.
Thank you for understanding
BLEJSKI GRAD - po pisnih virih najstarejši grad na Slovenskem, z darovnico prvic omenjen leta 1011 kot castellum Veldes.
Na mogocni strmi skali, ki se dviga 130 m nad ledeniškim Blejskim jezerom, stoji simbol Bleda in Slovenije – Blejski grad. Podoba gradu nad jezerom z romanticnim otockom in cerkvijo je tista blejska znacilnost, ki je skozi stoletja postala prepoznavna doma in v svetu. Z razglednih teras gradu je izreden razgled na jezero z otokom, po deželi z Lescami in Radovljico na dlani ter po goratem svetu Karavank in Julijskih Alp.
Vec kot tisoc let je minilo, bilo je 10. aprila leta 1004, odkar je v italijanskem Trentu nemški cesar Henrik II. podaril briksenškemu škofu Albuinu in njegovi škofiji posest Bled na Kranjskem. Leta 1011 je cesar Henrik II. z novo darovnico Albuinovemu nasledniku Adalberonu podaril tudi grad na pecini (castellum Veldes), ki se v tej drugi darovnici prvic omenja v ohranjenih pisnih virih. Blejski grad je bil upravno središce briksenške zemljiške posesti na Gorenjskem. V srednjeveških virih se ime Bleda omenja v nemški obliki Veldes. Blejski grad je po casu omembe najstarejši grad na Slovenskem. Grajska poslopja so razvršcena ob spodnjem in zgornjem dvorišcu.
O lepotah Bleda in gradu so glas širili ugledni popotniki, med njimi tudi Janez Vajkard Valvasor v Slavi Vojvodine Kranjske iz leta 1689.
Bled je s svojo ugodno strateško lego v vseh obdobjih zgodovine predstavljal pomembno prizorišce diplomatskih in protokolarnih srecanj na najvišji ravni. Mnogo najvidnejših državnikov je obiskalo Blejski grad in uživalo v edinstvenem razgledu na okoliške lepote.
Vec informacij o Bledu najdete na spletni strani
CASTLE BLED – according to written sources, the oldest castle in Slovenia, first mentioned in a 1011 donation deed as castellum Veldes.
Perched atop a steep cliff rising 130 metres above the glacial Lake Bled is a symbol of Bled and Slovenia – Castle Bled. The image of the castle forming a dramatic backdrop to the romantic island and the church on it has earned the resort worldwide recognition through the centuries. Castle terraces offer spectacular views of the lake and the island, down the Dežela area with Lesce and Radovljica and over to the mountain ranges of the Karavanke and the Julian Alps.
It has been over a thousand years since on 10 April 1004 the German king Henry II conferred the estate of Bled located in the province called in Carniola on Bishop Albuin of Brixen and his church. In 1011 Henry II awarded Albuin's successor, Adalberon, the castle on the cliff (castellum Veldes) in a charter in which the castle was first explicitly mentioned. The Bled Castle was the administrative seat of the Brixen estate in the Gorenjsko region. Medieval documents refer to Bled with its German name Veldes. In terms of written documents, Bled Castle is the oldest castle in Slovenia. Castle buildings are arranged around the lower and upper courtyards.
The fame of Bled and its beauties was spread around the world by world travellers, including Janez Vajkard Valvasor and his Glory of the Duchy of Carniola of 1689.
Owing to its strategic geographic location, Bled has always been an important venue of high–level political and other official meetings. Its castle has been visited by a number of high-ranking statesmen who enjoyed the breathtakingly beautiful views of the surrounding nature.
For more information on Bled, please go to

FV: Qn ov mnxynq anšyv ar enovgr bovfxngv abgenawbfgv bomvqwn. Mnxynq wr mnpnfab fxevg cbq qerirfbz an uevopxh mn tenqbz.
RA: Gb svaq gur gernfher lbh qb abg arrq gb ivfvg gur vagrevbe jnyyf. Gur gernfher vf grzcbenevyl uvqqra haqre gur gerr ba gur uvyy oruvaq gur pnfgyr.