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Hrusov-HONTIANSKA PARADA Traditional Cache

Hidden : 7/2/2009
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Geocache Description:

Koncom augusta sa každorocne v obci Hrušov koná neopakovatelný festival tradicnej ludovej kultúry - „Hontianska paráda“. EN: Nonrecurring festival of traditional folk culture -“Hontian’s parade” is held in the village “Hrušov” annually at the end of the August.

Obec Hrušov je rázovitá Slovenská dedinka v okrese Velký Krtíš. Má podhorský charakter s rozsiahlym lazníckym osídlením.V obci je náucný chodník v celkovej dlžke 16 km približuje tradicné a prírodné hodnoty územia. Unikátne sú vínne pivnice vytesané v tufopieskovcových masívoch, kde je možné si pochutnat na víne vyrábanom z miestnych samorodých odrôd (ako je napríklad Concordia).Koncom augusta sa každorocne v obci koná neopakovatelný festival tradicnej ludovej kultúry - „Hontianska paráda“, pocas ktorého sa celá obec premení na velký živý skanzen s ukážkami remesiel, zvykov, folklóru. Je to najväcšia akcia tohto druhu na Slovensku. Nájde tu ukážky remesiel, folklórne vystúpenia, množstvo stánkov, kde nakúpite veci aké inde nenájdete. Festival je vhodný na rodinný výlet, len musíte dat pozor aby sa deti nestratili v dave. Obec je typickým príkladom úspešného zapojenia takmer všetkých jej obyvatelov do realizácie rôznorodých aktivít, s akým sa zatial na slovenskom vidieku stretávame iba sporadicky.Celorocne môžete okrem pivníc navštívit v obci jednu z najväcších zbierok hospodárskych strojov - "stabilákov" na slovensku a "Obecný ludový dvor" s prezentáciou tradicnej kultúry v obci. EN: The village “Hrušov” is typical Slovakian hamlet in the district of Velký Krtíš. It is situated at the foot of a mountain with widespread settlement of farmers. There is an educational walkway by total of 16 km in the village brings near traditional and natural values of the territory. Tufa-sandstone sculptured wine cellars are unique where is possible to enjoy the wine made from local spontaneous wine varieties (what is for instance Concordia). Nonrecurring festival of traditional folk culture - “Hontian’s parade” is held in the village “Hrušov” annually at the end of the August during that the whole village will be transformed into big live open-air museum with demonstration of trades, manners and folklore. It is the biggest action this kind of culture fest in Slovakia. You will find here demonstration of trades, folklore appearance, and many stands where you will buy things what you won’t find anywhere else. This festival is right for a family trip; however you have to take care of your children so that you won’t lose them in the crowd. The village is a typical instance of a successful interaction almost all citizens into realization of varied activities what we can see only sporadically in the Slovak country. You can visit except the wine cellars one of the biggest collection of farm machines and so called “Communal folk yard” with presentation of traditional culture in the village.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

An cenib cev prfgr bq qbceniarw manpxl Uehfbi i fzrer bq IX . RA: Ba gur evtug ol gur ebnqfvqr sebz gur genssvp fvta “Uehšbi” va qverpgvba sebz Iryxý Xegíš

Decryption Key


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