It's all right here:
The great news is you can do all this and never leave our great little state! These are just 4 of the 251 towns and cities in our state. Maybe you have heard of these or perhaps even visited some of them. But have you ever been to Lewis? If you say you have passed through Warner’s Grant, I’m going to doubt you, unless of course you are a logger! There are no roads and no one lives there, but the history is fascinating!
Some Background:
In the Summer 1954 issue of Vermont Life Magazine, Dr. Arthur W. Peach suggested the creation of an informal club for people interested in visiting all 251 cities and towns in the State of Vermont. This became known as the Vermont 251 Club.
You can find more information about the official club here: The 251 Club of Vermont
The Vermont 251 + 4 Geocaching Club:
This adventure is a geocaching equivalent with a little more. Not only will you need to visit the 251 towns and cities, I’ve thrown in a visit to our 4 gores and grants! Unlike the official Vermont 251 Club, which has no definition of ‘visiting’, the Vermont 251 plus 4 Geocacher Club has one very simple rule: You must find or have found a geocache in each of the 255 towns, cities and gores! Pretty straight forward, huh? As of today's date, there is an active cache in all the 255 locations! In the future if this becomes a problem, it will be addressed under "Cacheless Towns" below.)
There is NO start date for this adventure. The idea is to have visited each and every town, city and gore, regardless of when. In other words, all past finds and hides will count toward your completion of the adventure
Cache Location:
The biggest problem with creating this adventure was determining the cache location. Just exactly which town is a particular geocache in?
Well, with a LOT of help from a colleague of mine and data available on the internet, I have created a GSAK macro that shades in the towns you have found. Instructions and files can be downloaded here. By running the macro in GSAK, you can see which town the geocache is placed.
This will be the OFFICIAL Vermont 251 plus 4 map used to determine the location of all geocaches.
Don't use GSAK. No problem. Just view the map, mouseover the icon in the top right corner to change maps and select OpenStreetMap Default. When you are zoomed in to 500m/2000ft or closer, the town borders will be displayed with the names on both sides of the line. Don't see the overlays? Just make sure the Leaflet is selected in Set Map Preferences in the lower left corner.
With additional freeware, it is possible to convert the Vermont town border map to a format that can be read by Garmin Mapsource and even downloaded to a Garmin GPSr!
"This is Vermont" cache series:
If you would like to help cover each town, city and gore with a cache please just jump right in. I invite you to make a This is Vermont: town name geocache. You can pick your home town or a special place you have visited or maybe even a town you have never seen been before.
In the description, tell us something about the town. It can be about your own experience there or it can be some of the town’s history. Virtual Vermont is a great site with information about each and every town in the state.
It would be pretty cool if we could cover each of the ‘cacheless’ towns with a This is Vermont cache. And it would be FANTASTIC if we had 255 This is Vermont geocaches.
(I hope no one is offended, but I kindly request not to place ‘guard rail’ type caches for this series. This is to show people our wonderful state, not our bent up guard rails!)
Cacheless Towns:
This is the "Look, my GPSr shows I was here" rule. In keeping with Groundspeak guidelines, you are not REQUIRED to place a cache in order to finish this adventure. In the "How the Adventure Works" section below, wherever you read anything about placing / hiding a geocache this is only if you wish to do so. With that said, here are the rules for getting credit for visiting towns that do not have an active geocache:
1) Find some landmark for the town, city or gore, perhaps with the name on it. Take a picture of you and your GPS next to this landmark.
2) Take a picture of your GPSr with READABLE coordinates. The coordinates MUST be visible in order to verify you are within the boundaries of the city, town or gore.
The "Look, my GPSr shows I was here" rule can ONLY be used to receive credit for the visit under the following circumstances:
1) There is no active cache in the town and you have no desire to place and maintain a great geocache so many miles from home.
2) The available geocaches in the town city or gore are more than your physical ability will allow. (Not everybody likes or has the ability to climb Mt. Monadnock and I don't want to make this adventure impossible.) Just let me know when you are applying this rule.
How the Adventure works:
First and foremost, this is about visiting each and every one of the 251 cities and towns plus the 4 gores of Vermont. So with that said, here are the rules:
1. Find a cache, place a cache, or attend a geocaching event within the boundaries of each town, city and gore on the official Vermont 251 plus 4 map (see above).
2. Generally accepted rules, guidelines and conditions for logging a cache find, placing a cache or attending and event apply. These must be bona fide caches listed on that you have personally (physically) found, placed or attended and logged. You MAY include all caches found prior to the creation of this Adventure.
3. LOCATIONLESS cashes are NOT allowed.
4. After completing the adventure you will need to send me a GPX file of your finds or your "My Finds" pocket query. These will contain a list of the caches found or hidden so it can be verified that you have completed the Vermont 251 plus 4 Adventure. If you used the "Look, my GPSr shows I was here" rule, please either send me the pictures or post them in a note on this cache page. When it is verified that you have visited all 251 + 4 locations, you may log it as a find. The offical log book makes an appearance at selected geocaching events and group gatherings for you to sign later.
5. If you find the final cache by accident, please get out of my cellar ! Go back and complete the adventure and I will tell you when and where the next log book appearance is! If a group finds the final cache, only the cacher completing the adventure will be allowed to log the find. All other finds will be deleted. Notes are welcome.
6. Determining a Cache Location will be broken into three categories as follows:
For Traditional, Virtual, Event, CITO, Letterbox Hybrid, Webcam, Earth and Wherigo Caches: The cache’s listed coordinates are the ones I will use to verify the town.
For Puzzle Caches: The actual location of the cache will be used to determine your location. What does that really mean? Well, if you submit your data and you have a town(s) with only one cache I will be checking its type. If it is a puzzle I will (try to) ascertain the final location of the cache in order to verify you were indeed in the town in question.
For Multi-Caches: There are indeed multi-stage caches that may bring you to more than one town (i.e. DeweyDoubleD’s Gas Guzzling Big Adventure, or Catoz’s Geocaching is NEVER a Trivial Pursuit!). You may use the stages of the multi to cover any towns you have visited, after all, you were indeed in the town! But! You must tell me you are taking credit for town ‘X’ by completing cache ‘Y’ and please supply me with the coordinates.
7. By the way, do NOT search for the final cache at the listed coordinates. You won't find the cache, but you will "find" yourself at the geographical center of Vermont !
This may take awhile:
We're thinking it will take some time before anyone completes this adventure. But we would love to know who is working on it and how you are doing.
We invite you to write notes to let us and others know how you are doing. In addition we have found a great site for you to keep track of your progress. Here is a companion site for the VT251 Club . It is an interactive site where you can use it to keep track of your progress on the Vermont 251 plus 4 Geocacher Club adventure.
Available Information:
I am sure I forgot something so please, send me an e-mail, or post a note and I will get back to you or add it to the cache page.
Number of "This is Vermont" Geocaches