This listing was published with permission from Groundspeak.
I traveled to the ISS on October 12, 2008 becoming the first
second generation astronaut. While there I created this geocache
aboard the Russian Segment of the ISS. The cache itself is locker
#218 as shown in the provided photograph. There is no logbook in
this cache, out of respect for the Russian segment of the ISS, and
the fact that it would be a fire hazard to include one in this
locker. You will find, however, that I attached a Travel Bug to the
locker. I am hopeful that any future geocaching astronauts will
start my Travel Bug on its way home, and leave one of their own in
its place to start a similar journey.
The International Space Station orbits about 250 miles above the
earth and travels about 17000 miles per hour, completing an orbit
of the earth every 90 minutes.
Today only the American Space Shuttle and Russian Soyuz vehicles
can reach the ISS. This will be changing soon, not only is the
shuttle retiring soon, but there is a fleet of private space
vehicles coming soon, which will allow greater access to space and
hopefully ultimately the space station. Thus, while today only
about 500 people have made this journey, and I am sure I am not the
only geocacher among them... many more will be reaching space soon,
and I am hopeful to see many visitors in time.
- Richard Garriott