Strath Falls Multi-Cache
Clever Monkey: Archived till I the road opens and I can replace the cache I think it highly likely given the hide (in a stump) that it will have sadly gone to cache heaven.
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Welcome to Strath Falls. Make sure you bring your BBQ lunch as this is a fantastic spot to stop for lunch. Keep an eye on the kiddies as there are steep drop offs nearby. Access to the BBQ area may be 4wd only depending on your experience and the Weather. The walk in from the top is not far and well worth the distance.
Cache is located at S 37° 18.UVW E 145° 10.XYZ
Starting at the above co-ordinates make your way to the bottom of the stairs counting as you go. Don't worry if you lose count, you can always count them on the way back up :).
Total number of concrete stairs = ABC
How many sets of stairs = D
Smallest number of stairs on any one set = E
U = (B+C-D)
V = {D-A)
W = (B-C-A)
X = (D+A)
Y = (D-E)
Z = (B+E)
Cache is located, back near the turn off out of the National Park in the State Park.
Additional Hints
YBY guvf bar unf lbh fghzcrq ?