Da-Tuen Creek Trail Traditional Cache
Size:  (small)
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Northwest end of YangMingShan National Park, Da-Tuen Creek Trail is ideal for a
hot summer day hiking, you will walk under the cover of forest
and vegetation all the way until reaching the peak (1057m).
Water supply is no concern here, since you are walking around the
creek. Nice waterfalls and ancient lodge or cave make it more
interesting along the way. Follow the ribbons tied on the twigs or
refer to my trail.
There are also 5 official sign posts lead to the top. This is
NOT an easy trail (I
repeat, NOT an easy trail), you should rest at post #3, refill your
water bottle and get reday for the ultimate challenge. After that
stop, you will enter an arrow-bamboo forest, walking (crawling)
under it, and the slope is quite steep (both hands needed).
The cache is a small black round box (~6cm in diameter).
Initial content:
Wooden "E=Mc²"
Coins from Malaysia, UK, Singapore and Korea
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