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Love Your Flag. Love Your Country.
If you need it, the hint should be the exact location of the cache.
My daughter, the Patriotic Pixie, is Grand Patriotism 2007 in California, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls (IORG.org). The girls of her assembly have recently been introduced to geocaching (through guess whoo?), and really love it. They asked if we could place a Patriotic themed cache near the site of their annual convention, March 30 through April 3, 2007. Rainbow Girls is a fraternal organization for girls ages 11 to 20 and dedicated to community service.
The cache is a small, camo’d Rubbermaid container. It contains patriotic-themed items. This is a high traffic area, so please be aware of muggles when finding and replacing the cache, and let me know how it’s doing in your log.
Following is a tribute to the American Flag that was written, memorized and delivered by the Patriotic Pixie in March 2007. As she spoke, she “stitched” an American Flag. Not a dry eye in the room!
This is the American Flag
This stitch is for General George Washington for helping to found our country.
This stitch is for the man who saved my Grandfather’s life in Korea.
This stitch is for Rosie the Riveter, for creating a new freedom for women.
This stitch is for America’s Firefighter, for keeping our families safe and secure.
This stitch is for our Law Enforcement, for allowing us to live peacefully without worry.
This stitch is for my Country, the place I call home.
This stitch is for my Papa, for defending hat he loves.
This stitch is for Apple Pie, for giving us the flavor of America.
This stitch is for the Bald eagle, symbol of freedom, justice, and liberty.
This stitch is for the movie, National Treasure, for teaching Americans the history of our nation in a fun and interesting way.
This stitch is for the Irish Immigrants, for seeing America as a second home, and making it so.
This stitch is for French Fries, for proving that some things are just better the American way.
This stitch is for the Statue of Liberty, for showing that America is the melting pot of all cultures.
This stitch is for all Americans who can stand bravely and declare they are free.
This stitch is for Jamba Juice, for energizing my friends so they can spread patriotism up and down California.
This stitch is for the Soldiers who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
This stitch is for my Grandfather for serving his country and ensuring a free American for my family.
This stitch is for Rainbow, for teaching young women that in order to live life to its fullest, you must first give yourself in service for your country.
Finally, this stitch is for my Patriotism, and the Patriotism in my fellow Americans. Without Patriotism, the people of the United States of America would have nothing to unite them as one.
This is my American Flag. Each red stripe represents the love for my country that flows through my veins. Each white stripe represents my faith in my country, and my people. The field of Indigo symbolizes my Patriotism and the vow I took to defend my country with my life, if necessary. The stars symbolize my life-long goal to be a role model to young women all over the world, and my eternal calling to spread Patriotism to every living soul. The American Flag means more than you think. Many men and women have given their lives so that she could fly. Never underestimate her influence and power. Just as many have died so she could fly, she has flown so many could live. She represents you, and everything you stand for. Love your flag, because she is you, and she ties you to every other American.
Since we are not local, jake_4729 will be helping to maintain the cache.
Additional Hints
Va gur pragre bs gur ohfu, ng tebhaq yriry, oruvaq gur yvggyr cbfg/fghzc. Gur bar shegurfg jrfg, gbjneq gur fgerrg gung pebffrf Iraghen.