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Socerb Castle in Grad (Felsolendvai várkastély) Multi-Cache

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Cenarius: Živjo,

Ugotavljam, da na moje opozorilo o potrebi po vzdrževalnem posegu ni bilo odziva. Ker zaklad ne ustreza več zahtevam iz Smernic za postavljanje zakladov, sem zaklad arhiviral. S tem sem med drugim tudi sprostil mesto za postavitev novega zaklada, ki bo ustrezal smernicam.

Če meniš, da imaš za nevzdrževanje upravičene razloge in želiš zaklad v bližnji prihodnosti obnoviti, mi to čim prej sporoči na elektronski naslov, naveden v mojem profilu. V sporočilu morata biti obvezno navedena GC koda in ime zaklada. Če bo zaklad ustrezal zahtevam iz Smernic za postavljanje zakladov in bodo razlogi za odarhiviranje utemeljeni, bom zaklad mogoče odarhiviral.

V primeru trajnega arhiviranja zaklada, so lastniki dolžni odstraniti vse, kar so v zvezi z zakladom postavili na terenu (vsebnik in vse postavljene vmesne stopnje).

Hvala za razumevanje in lep pozdrav.

Cenarius - slovenski pregledovalec prostovoljec
Center za pomoč in Smernice za postavljanje zakladov

Log created by TheGrimReaper GSAK macro

Hidden : 8/27/2005
2 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

This multicache with the logbook containing the other 2 coordinates is in the root hollow of an old tree.

Go up the mountain at this point near Kuzma: N 46° 49,9850' E 16° 4,9110' 265 m. Leave the car at the car park near the church: N 46° 48,0870' E 16° 5,5420' 275 m. The path marked with a red circle leads up to the castle from here. The path is lit at night and it takes about 10-15 minutes to walk all the way up. However, it is possible to drive right up to the castle gate. Opening hours. 9 am – 4 pm weekdays, 9 am – 6 pm weekends Entrance fee is about 2 Euros. You don’t need to visit the castle to be able to find the cash. The castle was first mentioned in 1208. The architecture contains examples of roman, late gothic, renaissance, and baroque designs. The fortification around the castle dates back to the XVI-XVII centuries. Good luck.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)