MacRobertson Lookout Multi-Cache
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The starting co-ordinates place you on a bridge over the Yarra -
Mac Robertson Bridge. Unless you are Superman, binoculars are a
requirement for finding this cache. The difficulty level of this
cache reflects the fact that it may be very difficult to locate the
cache and retrieving the cache is made difficult by the terrain and
large number of passing muggles.
Once on the bridge, ensure that you approximately in between the
middle of the river and post number 5 on the west footpath. Face
This is what you should see:
You can see the cache from this location and orientation with
binoculars. The cache has been hidden so that this is the easiest
location to see the cache from. It is obscured from view along the
paths that are on each side of the river.
The container you are looking for is a short piece of downpipe. It
has been painted brown/black as shown in this image:
We used a pair of 10x25 binoculars to assist with placing the
cache. We suggest minimum 8x magnification and the higher the
This cache would be very difficult to find without good lighting
and hard to retrieve in bad weather (although there would be fewer
Once spotted, actually getting to the cache can be difficult - take
care. The cache is designed not to be moved so that it will always
be in the correct location for binocular spotters. Please be
stealthy because this part of the river can be busy with paths
either side of the river and when you retrieve the cache you will
be in plain view of everyone passing by. Additionally, as we
discovered when researching and planning this location, you will
attract the attention of passers-by who will stop, slow down and/or
rubberneck to see what you are doing.
If you've been in this vicinity before you will know that the
intersections around here can be very busy making in nearly
impossible to cross the road. There are 2 different parking
locations that make getting to the location easier:
1: S 37° 49.896 E 145° 00.696 - no road crossings required
2: S 37° 49.802 E 145° 00.621 - one traffic light controlled road
crossing required
There is no pen, please bring your own.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)