Voyageur Route Traditional Cache
Size: (regular)
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Cache is close to main travel route. Straight forward find.
This cache site is here to highlight an important piece of Canada's history. Looking east you will see how the Winnipeg River makes a turn from Lake of the Woods toward the east. Eventually the river turns north and then heads toward Lake Winnipeg, the Nelson River and points west. This was the route used by native peoples for thousands of years to travel north and south between the boreal forest and the great plains. In the 1700's the first voyageurs travelling from Montreal to the west passed along the same route.
The portage used to cross between Lake of the Woods and the winnipeg River has been largely lost under the Canadian Pacific Railway, the Trans Canada Highway, an old garbage dump and the road from Norman to Keewatin. The river is pretty much all that remains of the historic route.
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