O Mistério dos Buzicos - The Buzicos Mystery

This cache is dedicated to my new friends on Madeira who showed me this wonderful land even long before I really met them in person: by means of their amazing cache locations. So I made a little mystery cache for them. It is an easy (perhaps a bit lengthy ) puzzle: you just have to answer two questions and decrypt the coded coordinates by the given method. The coordinates above do not belong to the cache, but you can start your hunt from there.
Question 1: which island in the Northern Atlantic Ocean is well known for its flowers and its amazing mountainous landscape?
Question 2: who hid the most earlier caches on this island (three words)?
The first word of the name (7 letters) gives you the N coordinate, the third word of the name (also 7 letters) gives the W coordinate (without zero at the beginning) of the cache. (N 12° 34.567' W 12° 34.567')
Decrypt now in this way: look for a list of all the caches on the island from question 1. Look for the cache names that begin with a letter of the names mentioned above. (If there are more caches whose names begin with the same letter check the date when it was hidden). Number the coordinates of the guessed caches consecutively (beginning with zero) like that: N xx° 01.234 W xxx° 56.789' or UTM 28S E 123456 N 1234567 respectively. Now the sought-after coordinates can be found by the following list:
N coordinate, first word:
Letter 1: hidden: 2/22/2009, 4th number
Letter 2: hidden: 7/24/2010, 3rd number
Letter 3: hidden: 4/11/2008, 6th number
Letter 4: hidden: 09/03/2013, 3rd number plus 6th number
Letter 5: hidden: 08/15/2008, 0th number
Letter 6: hidden: 10/6/2007, UTM N, 2nd number
Letter 7: hidden: 12/3/2008, 7th number
W coordinate, third word:
Letter 1: hidden: 12/6/2008, 3rd number
Letter 2: hidden: 12/6/2007, 8th number
Letter 3: hidden: 10/02/2011, 7th number
Letter 4: hidden: 12/2/2008, 5th number
Letter 5: hidden: 12/11/2013, 1st number
Letter 6: hidden: 03/01/2005, 3rd number
Letter 7: hidden: 8/27/2008, UTM N, 7th number
You can check your answers for this puzzle on Geochecker.com.
Now you can go for the cache. Please keep in mind: even if the altitude is not very high you are walking in the mountains. The weather can change very quickly. This region is known as being cold, rainy and foggy. Take an anorak, to eat and to drink with you. You also need a torch. Mountain boots are obligatory.
At the end there is a little surprise!
Note: Since Montego51 does not live on Madeira Bacalhau will do maintenance for the cache if needed.
New listing: 02/15/2014