Munkkulla Traditional Cache
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Munkkulla/Munkinmäki in Kyrkslätt/Kirkkonummi. Cache is about 20m above sea level, on a small hill.
The area contains a ruin of an old house. The Munkkulla estate used to be here, but it was burned in 1989.
The name Munkkulla (in swedish, in finnish it is Munkinmäki), means monk-hill. In 1335 an Estonian Cistercienser-monestary in Padis bought many places for farming, including this area. At that time you could reach this place by boat. These places were later sold in 1407 to Tord Bonde.
Small micro cache, metal container. Contains only logbook and pencil. My first hide.
Additional Hints
Abg haqre n fgbar be oevpx, naq ab pyvzovat arrqrq.