Uunikivi Earthcache EarthCache
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This earthcache locates in a basic Finnish forest.
Uunikivi is a beautiful example of tafoni. Tafoni are rounded pits, big enough to put your head into. They form by a physical process called cavernous weathering, which starts when water brings dissolved minerals to the rock surface. When the water dries, the minerals form crystals that force small particles to flake off the rock. As this process of cavernous weathering continues, the cavities of tafoni grow larger. Tafoni are most common along the coast, where seawater brings salt to the rock surface. The word comes from Sicily, where spectacular honeycomb structures form in the coastal granites. In Finland we don't have those spectacular honeycomb structures, but geologists are very interested in Finnish tafoni, so if you happen to find one, please take the coordinates and photo of tafoni, and contact Geological Survey of Finland. This particular tafoni locates in Myttäälä, Pälkäne. It's called Uunikivi ("Owenstone") and it's a protected nature monument. To prove you were there, take a photo of your GPSr and Uunikivi.
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