Äijänkivi Traditional Cache
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Äijänkivi sijaitsee valtatie 12 varrella Vammalan kohdalla. Kiveä ympäröi P-paikka. Äijänkivi is located along the highway 12 near the town of Vammala. It is surrounded by a parking lot.
Äijänkivi on muinainen siirtolohkare, jonka on vierittänyt nykyiselle paikalleen joku menneen ajan voimamies tai kenties asialla on ollut piru itse. Kivessä on paljon erilaisia halkeamia ja murtumia ja isohko luolakin.
Äijänkivi is a huge ancient rock that has been rolled to its current place by an athlete of old ages or perhaps by the devil himself. The rock has cracked and split several times during centuries including formation of a biggish cave.
Additional Hints
cvrara chha whherffn.