Old Bridge Traditional Cache
Orava: Turha tätä on täällä enää killuttaa. End of the story.
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A micro cache between Kauklahti and Espoo Center.
The cache box is a slightly modified film canister. It is not visible and not too easy to reach. The water level varies from below some useful stepping stones up to almost one meter above them, so the terrain level can be a little lower or higher than announced. As with any cache, you should place the cache box back where it was. At least be sure to place it high enough to prevent rising water making the cache float away.
Be careful: a viper has been seen near the cache. Be aware of trains if you cross the railroad. There is a level crossing with neither beam nor lights.
Additional Hints
Haqre gur oevqtr, va gur zvqqyr. Oruvaq fznyy rqtl fgbar.