NMS7 Tuomarila, Espoo Traditional Cache
Thymallus Thymallus: Cache archived.
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Tuomarila, Espoo. Very easy terrain. Difficulty level 2 if you do not read the encrypted hint, and 1 if you read it.
Snow warning: This cache is not accessible when there is much snow. There is usually more snow at the cache location than on the terrain in general.
This is a micro cache, i.e., a 35-mm film canister. The canister is black. The cache is not in a private yard although it is very close.
This cache can be found without GPS using only the telephone book map -- at least if you read the encrypted hint. The coordinates are YKJ p 66 78 939 i 33 72 104. Roads appear in maps wider that they are. Do not try to measure how far the cache is from the edge of the street, but estimate how far it is from the center line of the street.
Additional Hints
N fgbar ohg abg anghenyyl sbezrq.