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Orienteering Multi-Cache

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enzeth: Gjorde om den till en ny traditionell cache... "Arbetsplatsberget"

Hidden : 11/5/2007
2.5 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

[SWE] När jag var liten brukar jag orientera, men jag gillade inte att stressa, att söka kontrollerna i lugn och ro var mycket roligare. Så jag gjorde en kort orienterings bana med GPS kordinater i kontrollerna.

Banan innehåller tre kontroller som leder till skatten. Utgångs koordinaterna leder till första kontollen. Inne i kontrollerna finns koordinater till nästa kontroll och så vidare. (Banan är ca. 1.4 kilometer lång)

[ENG] When I was a kid I use to do orienteering, but I never was much interested in the running, to search for the controls in my own pace was much more fun. So I made a short orienteering course with GPS coordinates in the control points.
The course contains three control points that are leading to the cache. The starting coordinates lead to the first control point. Inside the control points are the coordinates to the next control and so on. (The course is about 1.4 kilometers long)

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[SWE] Xbagebyyrean äe 35zz svyzohexne. [ENG] Gur pbageby cbvagf ner 35zz svyz pbagnvaref.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)