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Gimli - Dwarf - Middle Earth Cache Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

firennice: Yes.. This is too far behind enemy lines, and a few that came through the quarry risked people target shooting. Time for it to go away.

Hidden : 7/30/2008
2 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

Under some leaves, small container. In the hills overlooking the quarry.

As time goes on if you have found these caches and did not record the numbers, or if some have been stolen feel free to contact me and I will get you the numbers so you can go after the master caches

Dwarves live in the mountains and live in caves, mines, and other deep places. They love the search of underground wealth. So be on the lookout for their caches in rocky places. These are the favorites of the dwarves.

Gimli was introduced in the first volume of The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, at the Council of Elrond Half-elven, which he attended together with his father to bring news of his home, Erebor (the Lonely Mountain). There they learned that Bilbo's kinsman Frodo now owned the One Ring, a Ring of Power forged and then lost by the Dark Lord Sauron. The Council decided to have it destroyed by casting it into the volcanic Mount Doom in Sauron's domain of Mordor. Frodo volunteered for the task, and Elrond chose eight people of varying races to aid him in his task — including Gimli. Thus, the Fellowship of the Ring was formed.

When the company was forced to enter an ancient underground Dwarf-realm, the Mines of Moria, Gimli was at first enthusiastic and hoped to find a recently established colony of his people there, led by Balin. However, Moria was still inhabited by a huge number of Orcs and several Cave Trolls, as well as a Balrog, and Balin and his folk were all dead. The Fellowship found his tomb in the chamber of Records, together with a chronicle of events, but Orcs had discovered their presence and they had to fight their way out.

Gimli's opinion of Elves drastically changed when he met Galadriel, co-ruler of Lothlórien: her beauty, kindness, and understanding impressed Gimli so much that, when given the opportunity to ask for whatever he wished, he asked not for treasures or magical items, but rather for one of Galadriel's silver-gold hairs. He was given three, which he would treasure forever. Gimli was subsequently given the nickname Lockbearer by Galadriel as a result.

After the War, Gimli led a large number of Durin's folk south to establish a new Dwarf-realm at Aglarond, and he became the first Lord of the Glittering Caves. The Dwarves of the Glittering Caves, led by their lord, repaired much of the physical damage incurred during the War. Most notably, they replaced the ruined Great Gate of Minas Tirith with a new one made of mithril and steel, as well as improving upon the existing layout of the entire city.

According to the Red Book of Westmarch, after Aragorn's death as King of the Reunited Kingdom in Fourth Age 120 Gimli (then very old) travelled with Legolas into the West, becoming the first Dwarf to visit the Undying Lands. This stemmed from his love for both Legolas and Lady Galadriel.

Dwarves in Tolkien are long-lived, living nearly four times the age of man (about 250 years), but are not prolific breeders, having children rarely and spaced far apart, and having few women among them. Dwarvish children are cherished by their parents, and are defended at all costs from their traditional enemies, such as Orcs. A longstanding enmity between normal Dwarves and Elves is also a staple of the racial conception.

Part of a cache series...complete the other Middle Earth Dwarf caches to find the Dwarven Cache. A number is in every cache that can be used to find this cache. In turn there will be a few series Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Hobbits and Evil. Each races cache will have a clue to unluck the "One cache to rule them all cache".

Good luck and I hope you enjoy the series.

GC1EQJV Gimli - Dwarf - Middle Earth
GC1EQJN Dwalin - Dwarf - Middle Earth
GC1EQJY Thorin - Dwarf - Middle Earth
GC1EQK2 Durin - Dwarf - Middle Earth
GC1EQK0 Dain - Dwarf - Middle Earth

Master Dwarf Cache:

GC1EQK5 Master Dwarf Cache - Middle Earth

Other Master Caches:
GC1EQKP Master Hobbit Cache - Middle Earth
GC1F3N0 Master Elf Cache - Middle Earth
GC1ERE9 Master Human Cache - Middle Earth
GC1F3N5 Master Evil Cache - Middle Earth

And the Final:
GC1EQK7 One Cache to rule them all - Middle Earth Caches

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Ng onfr bs qrnq bnx.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)