What A Jewel Traditional Cache
Seahorse, FrogFish, and Becky: This cache has gone missing.
Size:  (regular)
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To start this adventure turn off Hwy 199 onto Eight Dollar Road.
This cache is hidden near a spot that we think is a real jewel. Park just off the paved road in a large, flat, dirt area. Do not attempt to drive down the old mining road. Hard on the road - harder on your car.
The cache is filled with an assortment of jewels: costume jewels, that is! Feel free to bring a piece of costume jewelry to swap. Who knows, could be the answer to your Valentine shopping!
After you find the cache, take a few minutes to walk around and admire the area. Very scenic!
Additional Hints
Ybbx sbe n gnyy prqne gerr gung erfrzoyrf Cvfn'f nggenpgvba. Gur pnpur vf fgnfurq ng gur onfr bs gur gerr orgjrra gjb ebpx bhgpebccvatf.