Acid Tongue Traditional Cache
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I was never much of an "outdoorsy" kind of person until I started caching. As I found more and more caches and ventured farther out in to the deserty areas, it became clear to me that I would be faced with the potential dangers that come along with it. One of those, was encountering a rattlesnake. I had never seen one in the "wild" before, but I knew that if I continued caching, seeing a rattlesnake was a forgone conclusion.
Turned out March 29, 2008, was the day I ran in to my first rattlesnake. I was walking through this area along a mountain biking trail when the snake first subtly rattled from behind me. I slowly walked back toward the sound and that's when I spotted him.

Today, December 8, 2008, I decided to place a cache and dedicate it to the rattlesnake. Though either of us could have, neither of us attempted to kill or bother the other that day. I like to think that we both felt a little nervous about the meeting, but in the end, our respectful curiosity was honored and we parted with a better understanding of each other. I appreciate that sort of respect, so I decided to become his friend and name him Fernando.
I actually placed Fernando's ammo can cache about 250 feet away from where I first met him in an attempt to increase cache longevity. Chances are, if you follow the trail toward the cache, you will pass right by where Fernando and I first met. See the additional waypoint for the exact coords. I've also provided a waypoint to the parking lot for the trailhead.
So come on down and See Fernando. I've heard from a couple mountain bikers along the trail that Fernando has plenty of relatives around in this area. Let me know and take some pics if you happened to run in to Fernando or any of his relatives.
On a side note, I proudly obtained the original ammo can cache that was here (12/8/08 - 1/12/2019) from nicolo by winning the geo-art contest at the Not A WWFM event. Here is my award winning geo-art entry. Thanks nicolo!
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)