Tn cacher: Greetings from
It looks like your cache has been under the weather for some time. While we feel that should hold the location for you and block other cachers from entering the area around this cache for a reasonable amount of time, we can't do so forever. So that someone else can place a cache in the area, and geocachers can once again enjoy visiting this location. Also, if you haven’t done so already, please pick up any remaining cache bits as soon as possible.
If you are in the process of replacing or repairing your cache please e-mail me in response to this archival, and I will unarchive your cache.
After we posted a note to you cache requesting a response from you to post what you were planning to do with the cache on the page and sending us a note. We have no record of a response, and no response tells us that you are not planning on replacing, or repairing this cache if we are wrong with that assumption please let me know.
I want to thank you for the time that you have taken to contribute to geocaching in the past and am looking forward to seeing your cache up and running in the future.
tn cacher Volunteer Cache Reviewer
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Please send the name of the cache and the GC# with your reply