To get credit for this cache: Find the cache and sign the log - Just like any other cache.
To get extra credit for this cache, follow a few steps:
1) Take on of the "Pay It Forward CITO" (PIFCITO) containers from this cache
2) Use the enclosed plastic bag to clean up where you are on this, or a future, caching trip
3) Pay It Forward! - Put a new plastic bag in the container and place it in another cache.
4) If you would, please also log your experience on the Pay It Forward CITO Travel Bug page! Please only Post a Note, do not log it as "Discovered". Please include the cache where you picked up the PIFCITO, the cache where you placed it, and the individual tracking number from the container. This will help me see how well this concept is working.
If you complete all four steps, you can claim a second find on the cache. If you aren't one to double-log caches, please help Pay It Forward anyway and keep your neck of the woods a little cleaner.
Please rehide the cache well. This a very well-travelled area!