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SKS Last Hope - Tight Squeeze Traditional Cache

Hidden : 9/15/2007
4.5 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

SKS Last Hope - Tight Squeeze

Note the terrain rating of this cache. It is set high for a reason. Please read this cache listing in full before attempting a find.

If you have ever tried looking for an extreme geocache in Northern New Jersey, I'm sure you have come across the name SKS at least once. The series was originally made for people looking for a little more excitement. If you wanted more than just a hike in the woods followed by recovering an ammo can covered by sticks, then SKS was for you. Unfortunately, after placing 5 SKS caches, I have come to realize that this type of cache isn't what people in this area are looking for. Very few people have even tried to find them. Which at first didn't bother me, I made them to be hard. But what really choked this series out is the lack of places to put extreme caches. Northern New Jersey is so cache rich, that every available spot is taken. If its an abandon bridge, rock wall, cliff, cave, whatever, there will always be an ammo box either at the top or the bottom. And by the .1 rule, they secured all the interesting areas, not allowing room for others. Which I can't blame them for, I just started geocaching to late I guess. So I placed this cache to be the last of the series. It doesn't require any special gear, but should still give you a small challenge. I'm not through placing extreme caches, but this is just an end to the SKS series.

Parking: I guess the best place to park for this cache is at the basketball courts on Brady Rd. There is a small trail head in the back, which after some bushwhacking will lead you to the main trail. You can find closer parking on several side streets, but please be discreet if you choose this method. This cache also borders Lake Hopatcong, so it can be reached by kayak, boat, etc. You can follow many trails right to the cache (super wide and easy trails, cut out by tree logging equipment errrrr) or you can bushwhack.

The Cache: The cache container itself is a decon box, clearly labeled geocache. Getting to it though, will be next to impossible for most cachers. The cache sits almost in the open, on a small rock shelf, in a cave. Yes, a cave. Cachers who have completed my old cache, TriQuest, will know exactly what I'm talking about. What sets this cave apart from other cave caches is it's size. I'll try to explain, but it is difficult unless you see it in person. The basic layout of the cave is two different chambers, or rooms. First you will need to slide through a small triangle shaped hole to access the first room. This room may seem small, but you haven't seen anything yet. You won't be able to stand inside, but there should be enough room to work your way to the other side of the room. In the middle is a small boulder that you will need to go over. Once past the boulder, you will see the toughest part of this cache. The doorway from the first chamber, to the second chamber. The entrance to the second room is at floor level, because the second room drops down 3 feet below you. This entrance is also a triangle in shape, but it is much much smaller. I have a size 31" waist, and I just made it through. It is so small you will have to go feet first, or head first. I would say feet first, just because of the 3 foot drop between rooms. Once in the second room, you should have almost enough standing room. This room is tall, but skinny, reassembling a hallway. The cache can be found at the end of the hallway :-)

Logging A Find: To log a find on this cache, you will have to personally retrieve and replace the cache in its resting place. I think it would be best if the cache remained in the cave, in the second chamber while you signed your name, and only your name. I'm trying to avoid group finds here. One man goes in, and brings it out so several other cachers can sign it. Please do not do that!

A Quick Warning To Finders: Its just a cave, I'm sure everybody has been in one before. But please use common sense while trying to find this cache. The openings between rooms are EXTREMELY small, don't try to stuff yourself through, if you are not 100% sure that you will be able to make it out safely. It would probably also be best to bring a friend, just in case something does happen and you can't make it out under your own power. I tied a rope to a tree outside, and brought one end in with me. Just in case I had trouble pulling myself out, at least I would have a solid rope to grab onto. And of course remember to bring a flashlight. A small amount of sunlight comes through various cracks, but that will not be enough for you to navigate your way through. If you are afraid of tiny spaces, the dark, spiders, etc, then this is not the cache for you!

I hope everybody has fun, and stays safe. Good luck!!!!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[Good luck!]

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)