Up in the hills behind Pescadero, on a little travelled road
(except for 50 billion bikes) this cache is a nice place to take
some photos of some amazingly detailed and artistic sculptures
standing in front of this little ranch.
There used to be a large fishing lure here there is also one
sculpture that stands taller than the rest and may have failed to
guard the lure from vandals.
To log this cache, send me an Email describing the tallest
figure. Please dont spoil the surprise by describing the sculptures
in your logs, they will be deleted if you do.
When you are done, or when you are on the way, stop in the
little town of Pescadero and visit the quaint little arts and
crafts stores, some of which contain truly incredible pieces. I
also recommend stopping at Duartes for lunch and trying their
soups. You can get both the Artichoke and Pepper soups in a single
bowl, and somehow they make it look like a flower in the bowl.
Everything we tried at Duartes was delicious, and the atmosphere
and history add to the pleasure of dining here.