Loch Lomond School District, No. 2816
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This is an old-fashioned school theme.
Original contents included: wooden sleigh ornament, two 10-piece porcelain tea sets, jump rope, a skate welcome sign, a small chalk board with coloured chalk, bag of marbles with two pieces of sidewalk chalk, apple decorations, mini basketball game, cap gun, children’s scissors, six-inch ruler, set of foam dominoes and Brain Strains Power Puzzles book.
***As of May 1 this cache has been changed from a large to a regular. Happy hunting!
The home of William Mills was the scene of the first school meeting held in the proposed school district. First choice of names was Winfield followed by Loch Lomond, Reosenheim, Canton and Stoney Batter. The all male school committee consisted of Addison Shantz, Lindsey Russell Hill and Henry Rotter.
Eleven ratepayers signed the declaration. Mr. A. Podjahn, Mr. August Hoppe, Mr. Ferdinand, Mr. T. Hallahan (secretary), Mr. Percy Hill, Mr. William R. Hill (chairman), Mr. William Hill Sr. and Mr. Johnathan Shantz lent their signatures in support of the committee.
Notices outlining legal boundaries for the school district of ‘Winfield’ were posted in five prominent locations with the boundaries and one at the nearest post office, Cressman. The department rejected the name ‘Winfield’ as it had previously been chosen by another district. Therefore, when the map was prepared and forwarded the name Grande Prairie was affixed.
Statistics included:
Number of acres – 9,440
Population – 86
School aged children – 28
Below school age – nine
Residents liable for taxation – 26
Protestant ratepayers – 22
Roman Catholic ratepayers – four
Signed,witnessed and certified by: Syl. B. Biehn, Notary Public and Justice of the Peace on November 5, 1910 at Cressman Post Office
Fifteen hundred dollars was borrowed on security of Lock Lomond School District No. 2816 for the purpose of buying a school site, building a school 24 ft. by 26 ft., furnishing the school and paying expenses incurred thereby – dateline April 11. 1911, authorized by Nay & James, September 21, 1911. Exact location of the school was set as 44 rods east of the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of Sec. 30, Tp. 32 R 23 W 2.
School opened September 1912. The first teacher of the new school was Miss Mary MacDonald.
The school joined the Lanigan Larger School Unit in 1945. In 1948, Addison Shantz retired after more than 30 years of service on the board of trustees at Loch Lomond.
In 1958, the school closed and students were bussed to Guernsey school. The school building was moved to Guernsey school site where it served for several additional years as a classroom. The barn was sold and removed and the schoolyard sold to Mr. N.V. Maxwell on whose land it was located. (Effective August 26, 1963)
Teachers employed at Loch Lomond
1912 – Mary McDonald
1916 – Minnie Pinder/Kathleen Bodtcher/Lillian E. Neal
1918 – Grace Ross
1919 - L.H. Somers/Ruth Burgess
1920 – Lottie N. Losemore/Leila Northcott
1921 – Jessie I. Hamnpton/Irene Devitt
1922 – Jean E. Baker
1925 – Robert Earl Fallis
1926 – Gladys Olivia Clemence
1928 – Mr. Postlethwaite
1930 – Vivian L. Jameison
1936 – Mr. R.L. Oakman
1937 – Marjorie Wood/Lillian Christine Turner
1939 – Anna W. Bell
1941 – Alice Meretta Robertson/ Linda Wilms
1942 – Margot Eileen Norum
1943 – Velma Taylor
1945 – Emily Erna Appelt
1946 – Curtis R. Allsop
1947 - Emil Schatten/ Florence Burkhart
1948 – Marion Audrey Elaine Lamont
1949 – Susan Hazel Driedeger
1950 – Martha Elsie Willms
1951 – Mary Irene Hodges/ Paul Willms
1952 – Noreen Cressman
1953 – Elmer Dyck
1954 – Richard G. Woods
1955 – Juanita Bergman
School closed in 1956
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