rldill 7 "THE PHANTOM" Multi-Cache
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Keeping this one going in memory of RlDill. This is a multi cache with 2, 3, or 4 parts depending on you luck. It is in a large park with terrain changes.
We call this THE PHANTOM for a reason. The given coordinates will lead you to a list of 3 coordinates. One of those coordinates will be to the cache. The other two will lead you to a phantom cache. Inside each phantom cache is a log book for you to sign, to let others know that you too were tricked. Once you find a phantom, mark off that coordinate, and continue with the next, until you find the real cache. You may get lucky and find the real one first, but then how's your luck, "not like mine or you will see the 2 phantoms".
I will change the order of the coordinates periodically, so do not try to go by the online logs as to what is a phantom.
This cache is not EVIL.

Click on above pic for
cache area weather.
Additional Hints
[The 1st step and each phantom are mini caches........ [1st stage: don't get] "fghzcrq"........ [1 phantom]: ebpx pbiref [paper........ 1 phantom: I'm not] Haqreqbt V'z haqreybt........ [Cache: I'm in a] "ger"b