Tripper had been breeding giant mutant rabbits for years
without incident using the raw sewage enriched waters of
Green's creek (and a secret formula that went with him to his
grave) until the white rabbit came along. Something went very
wrong that day at the rabbit lab. He had been working on a
breed of Giant Albino Angora when one particularly onerous
rabbit from the litter escaped it's pen and wreaked havoc in
the basement lab of his home, destroying his project notes.
Unable to house the animal amongst the others any longer he
crated the troublemaker and kept him out in the woods away
from the other mutant bunnies. Months passed, and the giant
albino rabbit grew more ferocious with each passing day. It
refused to eat produce, subsiding instead on insects and small
unfortunate mammals who ventured near the crate in search of
the rabbit's uneaten food. One fateful day Tripper ventured
out to dutifully feed his experiment gone wrong and to his
horror discovered the bunny missing from the crate! It had
learned how to open the lid and was now free!
He told no
In the days to follow neighborhood cats began
disappearing, followed by small children. Then joggers and door to
door salesmen.
Farmer Tripper checked the Crate every day. There
were signs that the rampaging mutant albino bunny was returning to
the only place it knew as it's home. Large bones were scattered in
and around the crate. Desperate to trap the dangerous out of
control creature, Tripper set up a motion detector game camera to
track when the beast was returning to it's lair. He told his chief
bunny breeder assistant GrizzlyG he was going to check on it one
fateful afernoon, and was never heard from again....
His basement lab went out of business and the house
is boarded up now (the farmer's assistant moved to a shed in a
trailer park), and no one ever goes there anymore..
Some say the creature is still nearby.. Waiting...
Watching... Hungry...