Hampton Estate Multi-Cache
(not chosen)
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This two stage offset will take you to the Hampton Estate. This National Historic site is in our backyard, and we think it is underappreciated. The posted coordinates will take you to a historical marker where you will find dates and other information. You will calcluate coordinates to the second stage where you can sign in on the physical log.
To find final cache coordinates use the following model.
North Coordinates 39 24.ABC
West Coordinates 76 34.DEF
A = The 3rd digit of the FIRST year that the Ridgely family owned the estate
B = The 3rd digit of the LAST year that the Ridgely family owned the estate
C = The 4th digit of the FIRST year listed on the sign
D = The 2nd digit of the FIRST year the Governor of Maryland owned the estate
E = The square root of the 4th digit of the LAST year the Governor of Maryland owned the estate
F = The 4th digit of the FIRST year the Governor of Maryland owned the estate.
These coordinates will take you to a physical cache approximately 9/10th of a mile away from the Hampton estate. We recommend driving to the second stage.
As you arrive at the final cache location, there is a wide pull off on the roadside or you may park at the nearby County Park behind the retail shops and walk approximately 200 feet. 2 for terrain is strictly for traffic concern. The final stage is hidden in a common manner.
Additional Hints
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