Ducks and playground |
Wind chime |
At the posted coordinates you should find yourself standing next to a wind chime. Yes, that is a wind chime, I've heard it working. You'll need to find a couple of simple clues to work out where the cache is.
C = the number of chime pipes in the wind chime. Note: you will need include the fallen pipe in the chime.
P = the number of triangular tail fins on the wind chime.
SSS = (C + P) x 70 + 28
EEE = C + P - 1
Just a short walk away, at S37°53.SSS' E145°06.EEE' you'll find a number of objects marked with Cliftons name and the small 350ml cache container. Good Luck!
(Contents: stash note, log, pen and swaps).