Kaiser's Kanine Kache Traditional Cache
boxerwiggles: I no longer live in NJ and can't maintain this cache.
Size: (regular)
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This cache is in honor of my Boxer, Kaiser. He goes with us on many of our adventures. Veterens Bark Park is his favorite place to go on a weekend.
The cache is for Quadrapeds and their humans. It is all dog related. If you take an item, please leave a DOG RELATED ITEM. Do not leave junk, business cards, trash , rocks or other stupid items. This cache is for those who love to hunt and find treasure.
If you love a good walk, don't "wimper" and park by the bark park, be a good "woof" and park in many of the other areas and "hoof" it in. Their is a trackable called "Kaiser's Knine Krew" if you take it, please take pictures and upload them to us, so we can watch it on it's journey.
Good Luck and Happy Kaching.
Additional Hints
Fbzr uvagf sbe lbh: Gurer vf n cynpr sbe gur jrnel uhznaf gb "erfg gurve cnjf" naq vs lbh "qevir 55" lbhe ba genpx.