Easy Tradi with easy log requirement,
but optional!
More or less carelessly chosen during the registration, in the
course of the cacher career it becomes the alias or even to the
alter ego. At events it is often exclusively written on the
nameplate and the first name is discovered later in a
Sometimes I ask for the origin and the meaning of the username,
but I can only speculate in most cases. Special combinations are
making me wonder: CyberMan54 - geometer42 - Kai977- gpm55 -
5norbert, to name but a few. Is it a personal lucky number, or
maybe the birthyear?
Too many questions, too few answers; therefore this cache is
with following log optional requirement, to satisfy my
"If you agree, attach your log a detailed and complete
explanation/description of your username!"
But at the beginning I will reveal the secret of my
When I joined this site, I was looking for some easy and obvious
name. I put together the names of "Sing" for Singapore, the city
where I live in, and CacheCache, the hide and seek game in
This cache is inspired by a similar cache in Berlin, the
username (GC19BCH)