Watch Your Step! Traditional Cache
Size:  (regular)
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This is another cache for my friends in Berks County. (Sorry, Spider, but you're not my only friend, and it's a haul for me, too). The cache is in a wooded area bordering a complex of sports fields. The cache name comes from the terrain. There are prickers, mud, prickers, fallen trees, prickers, brush, and, of course, prickers. Remember, prickers deter muggles.
The cache contains a log, pencil, trade items and a prize for FTF to help you figure next year's income tax. No credit without your signature. Park in the lot, then walk across the lawn to a pile of grass clippings, then follow the game trail for a few yards. You're looking for a camoed half gallon plastic container. No night caching allowed in the park.
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