FSC-2014 Valley Garden Park
Cache Details:
Parking is at Valley Garden Park. The park closes at sundown, no night caching allowed. Cache is about mile round trip from parking. Walk down into the valley, cross the small stream and walk to back end of far meadow to pick up the Hobbs trail
Valley Garden park was a gift to the city of Wilmington from Ellen duPont Wheelwright in in 1943. She gave the former summer estate of her parents, T. Coleman and Alice duPont, so that "others might enjoy, in peaceful surroundings, the beauty that was inspired" by her mother. And it just that. You will be taking a walk through one of Northern Delaware's most scenic parks, with rolling hills, beautifully landscaped streams, and stairways to nowhere! At the back of the park is an almost unknown slice of land known as the Hobbs Property. Here you will find some great trails through open fields and some hills that rival nearby state parks.