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Endeavour to communicate Mystery Cache

This cache has been archived.

Wilburii: I’m unable to maintain this any longer.

Hidden : 8/15/2004
4 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

This is a two part cache centred around the remains of R.A.F Yatesbury in the Wiltshire countryside. Although the station is much older, Yatesbury, along with Compton Bassett, became established in WWII and continued for some years after as the mainstay of the RAF’s training mechanism for producing radio and radar operators. It's not a long trek but part of it is along a bridleway that is not good for buggies/pushchairs.

Boots or wellies are advised if it's been at all wet as this route is a puddle magnet! I’ve had to reconfigure the cache as the previous micros have all gone AWOL. I’ve simplified it a little so there’s now only one visit required. You do all the hard work before you go. The caches are micro - a camouflaged tube (the replacement micro) and medium – a plastic lock'n'lock box (main). As many of the previous visitors to this location spent their time working in Morse Code I thought it would be appropriate to make you do the same. Also, just to make things a little spicier I've used a simple substitution cipher. The keyword to the cipher is actually very poor security because it is relevant, albeit in a somewhat convoluted way! To make life easier and to give you some more text to get your teeth into I've included a little story about Chads. There is parking at N51.26.541 W01.55.170 but don’t go along the private road, instead choose the public rights of way. 1) Use a standard Morse Alphabet to turn the text below into a normal but encoded text. I've used asterisks and not dots as they show up a bit better. There are six questions to answer which all relate to RAF Yatesbury in some way, in order to derive the location of the main cache. For any dates only the year is needed. Take the answers with you when you go, you should have 15 numbers. NB: recent work has shown that for question 2 there are 3 possible answers, all of which are now known and we want the middle number, though you'll have to work hard to find the lowest one and I think that in the grand scheme of things it doesn't make too much difference! 2) Go to the first location which is now at N51.26.439 W001.55.827. There you will find a list of 15 digits which are to be added individually to the answers to the questions. You will then end up with the location of the main cache. 3) Go find the cache! If you can reliably refute any of the answers given then please tell me as the Internet is notorious for its dodgy information and I will happily change the clues and /or answers to suit. The Story: -*-* *-** *-** **** -- ** - --* * --*- **** **** --* -* --*- -**- -* **** -- -*-- *-** -**- -*-* ** *--* -*-* -- -* *--* *** *--- *--- **** *--* -* ** --*- **** -**- -*-* **- -* **** -- - * - --* -*-* --*- -* ** -*-* --*- -*-- -*-* --*- -* *--* --- *** -- -*-- *-*-*- --*- -**- -* --- -*-* -*** ** -**- -* -*-* ** -* ** -** - * *** -- -* *--- -* -* *--- - --* * **** **- -* -- -*-* ***- -*-* -*** -*** -*-* *--- *--- -*-* -- -* --* --*- -*** -*-- **** -- - * - --* -*-* --*- -* ** -** **** **-* -*-* -*** -* *--* *--* **** --* **** --* -- -*-* ** - **** ***- -*-* **- -* *--* ***- -**- -* --* --*- -**- -* - --* *--* --*- -- *** *-** --*- **** -- -*** -* -** --*- --*- -**- -* *--* *- -* --*- *-** -**- **** -** --*- -**- -* *--* - --* *** *--* **** - ** -*-* -*** ***- -*-* **- -* **** --* --*- -**- -* --- -*** -*-* *-** *- --- **** -*-* -- ** *-*-*- *--* **** **-* -* ***- -*-* * -*-* **-* -* --* ** -* ** --*- -**- -* ***- -*-* **- -* - --* --*- **** --*- -**- -* -** -*-* *-** -* --*- -**- -*-* --*- *-** -*-* --* --* **** ***- --- -* *--* -* -* --* -*-* -*** -*** **** **- -* -- --*- -**- -* ***- **** -- -*** ** *-*-*- --*- -**- -* -*-- ***- -* -- -* **** - * - --* -*-* -*** -*** -*-- *-** -*-* -*** -*** -* ** ** **** **** **-* - -* *--* **** -- ** **** **-* - -* *--* -*-* --* ** *--* **** **** --* -*-* *--- *--- -* -*-* -- -* ** -*-* *--* * -- -*-* -** -** - --*- - - --* **-* -*-* --* -*-- *--- -*** -*-* *-** -* *--* **** --* --*- -**- -* *-** -*-* **-* *--- --**-- - --* *-** -*** *** ** - --* * - --* --*- -**- -* -*** -*-* --*- -- - --* -* *--* *-*-*- --*- -**- -* ***- - --* * ***- -*-* -- -*-* --* --*- **** -** -** - *-** -* -- --**-- -*-* **-* -- *-** -**- -*-* ** ***- - *-** *- --*- -**- -- -* -*-* --*- -* --* -* ** --*- **** -- -* **-* **** **- -* --*- -**- -* ** **** **** -- *--* - -** --*- -**- -* * -- -*-* -** -** - --*- - ** - ** --* *-**-* --*- *--* --*- **** *--- *-*-*- - --*- ** - ** --* *-**-* --*- --**-- --*- -**- -* -*-- *-* *** *--* --*- -*-* *--- *--- -* -*-* -- -* ** ***- - --*- -**- --*- -**- -* --*- -* *-- --*- *** --* ** -* -- --* -* -*-* --*- -**- -- -* -*-* ** - --* * *-**-* ***- **** --*- --* **** ** **** **** -- *--* **--** *-**-* -*-* --* ** --- -* *-** -*-* **-* -* *- --* **** ***- --* *-** -**- -*-* ** *--* -*-* -** --*- -* -- --*- -**- -* * -- -*-* -** -** - --*- - - -**- -*-* --*- - --* **-* -- *-** -**- -*-* ** ***- - *-** *- *-*-*- The Questions: - --* ***- -**- - *-** -**- -*-- -* -*-* -- ** - ** *--- -* --*- -* -- **-* -*-* * *** - -- -* , ***- -**- **** -** - -- *--* --*- *--- -*** -*-* -*-- -* ** -**- - *--* --*- -- **** **-* --- **** --* -* ***- - --*- -**- --*- -**- -* *--* --*- **** --* -* -**- -* --* * -* *-** - --*- -*-- *-* -*-* --** --** **-* -* --* -*-* --*- -*-- -*-* --*- -* *--* --- *** -- -*-- , **-* **** **- -* --*- **** --- -- *** *--* *--* -* -*** *--* ? ***- -**- -*-* --*- --* *** **-* --- -* -- - *--* --*- -**- -* **** -*** ** -* *--* --*- *--* *** -- **- - **- - --* * -**- -*-* --* * -* -- -*-* --*- -*-- -*-* --*- -* *--* --- *** -- -*-- ? ***- -**- -*-* --*- --* *** **-* --- -* -- -- -*-* ** - **** *--* *-** -**- **** **** -*** -**- -*-* ** --*- -**- -* **-* **** --*- --*- **** ***- -**- - *-** -**- --*- -- -*-* --* *--* -*** -*-* --*- -* *--* -*-* *--* *--* ***- - -** --*- -*-* --* ** ***- -*-* --*- *-** -**- -** *** -*** ? - --*- ***- -*-* *--* -*-* --*- -*-- -*-* --*- -* *--* --- *** -- -*-- --*- -**- -*-* --*- --*- -**- -* **-* **** *--* --*- -** -*-* **-* **** *** *--* -*** -* -*-* ** -* -- **** -** 617 *--* -*- *** -*-* ** -- **** --* -*** -* -*-* -- --* --*- --*- **** -** -*** -*-- - - --* ***- -**- - *-** -**- -*-- -* -*-* -- ** - ** -**- -* * **** --*- **** --*- -**- -* *-** -* --* --*- -- -*-* -*** -** -*** -*-- - --* * *--* *-** -**- **** **** -*** ? ***- -**- -* --* ** - ** --*- -**- -* **-* - -*** - --*- -*-* -- -*-- -** - -- *--* --*- *-** **** **-* -* --*- **** -*-- -*-* --*- -* *--* --- *** -- -*-- -*-* --*- -*-- -*-* --*- -* *--* --- *** -- -*-- ***- -* *--* --*- ? --*- -**- -* *-** -- -* -*-* --*- **** -- **** -** -**- -*-* -*** ***- -*-* *--* -*-* --* - --* *--* --*- -- *** *-** --*- **** -- -**- -* -- -* --- *** --*- - --* ***- -**- - *-** -**- -- -*-* ** - **** *--* *-** -**- **** **** -*** ?

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Zvpeb: Unys bs avargl, ba gur pbeare. Ebpx haqre! Znva: Ovt vf ornhgvshy gb gur yrsg bs gur cngu.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)