Kohl Mine Traditional Cache
TeamJudd: We've noticed too much shady foot traffic way back here to be comfortable replacing this one.
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We felt that this newest addition to our fair city's superstores deserved a cache, so we placed this modified-micro. You'll be able to drive right up to the area, but hopefully you'll have to get out and stretch your legs for a while before you hit paydirt!
When you replace the cache, please situate it as you found it, to preserve the challenge for others. There was no room for a pen, so please bring your own.
* Congratulations to Clayham for being FTF on 3-15-04.
09/14/04: Finally got this one replaced. It has the same coordinates, but it is in a different spot, in a different container.
Additional Hints
Oruvaq naq gb gur evtug bs gur gerr.