CITO 2005 #2 Cache In Trash Out® Event
Sport Trac/k: Archiving for now... see you next time!
Sport Trac/k
Saturday, April 16, 2005
(not chosen)
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You have all been asking for it so… Come join your fellow geocachers on Saturday, April 16th, to pitch in and clean up the Beeline... and maybe grab a few caches in the area as well. Afterwards, we may grab a bite to eat so join us if you can.
Before heading to the above coordinates we will have a briefing to get instructions, vests, bags, and sign forms.
The briefing will be at 9am, the same place as the other briefings (N 33 27.947, W 111 46.689). We will then head out to the site (carpooling where we can) and work till about 11:00. The more people we have attend the more we will get done so come on out!
ADOT Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup Rules:
* Carpool to work site and keep vehicles off the right-of- way of state highway
* Make sure workers wear safety vests provided by ADOT
* Face oncoming traffic
* Avoid overexertion
* Stop work in inclement weather
* Do not remove hazardous substances
* Avoid contact with noxious weeds and areas where herbicides have been applied
* Do not pick up items on bridges or on the pavement
* Do not bring children under 12 to the Adopt-a-Highway area
***A waiver must be signed by each participant in the cleanup, which I will have on hand at the safety briefing prior to heading out to the clean-up site. You can also sign the log book at that time too.
Additional Hints
Gur oevrsvat jvyy or uryq va gur cnexvat ybg sbe "Zl $3 Fgnfu Pnpur" (TPXKX3) vs lbh unira'g sbhaq vg lrg... Fbyvgnel Fragvary (TPXKX9) vf nyfb arneol fb neevir rneyl... NAQ lbh pna nyfb pynvz "PVGB Nyjnlf" (TPW78G) bapr lbh trg lbhe cvpgher gnxra ol gur fvta ng gur fvgr.