Another cache in the area of limestone quarries of Czech Karst. The name is twofold: the cache is located next to the "Mala Amerika" ("Little America") abandonned quarry and the original theme was anything related to the USA. Among the original content were signature items of a few NY/NJ geocaching teams (Thanks!) and various maps of US Northeast.
The original ammobox survived over two years. After it has been stolen in February 2007, I have replaced it with a smaller Lock&Lock style container, the contents now is the usual cache stuff
The starting points for the hike to quarries and caches in this area are villages Morina or Bubovice (accessible by a suburban bus from Praha-Zlicin subway station - you need a 3-zone ticket). Another public transit access points are the train stops Srbsko and Karlstejn south of the area. If you are coming by car, you can park it at the trailhead of yellow-blazed trail, about 2 miles to the East.
Dalsi cache mezi vapencovymi lomy v Ceskem Krasu. Jmeno je dvojznacne: cache je umistena pobliz lomu Mala Amerika a puvodnim tematem bylo vse, co souvisi se Spojenymi Staty Americkymi. V puvodnim obsahu cache byly signature items nekolika NY/NJ geocacheru a ruzne mapy ze severovychodu USA.
Puvodni ammobox vydrzel na miste pres dva roky. Pote, co byl v unoru 2007 ukraden, jsem ho nahradil mensi nadobou typu Lock&Lock. Obsah postupem casu degradoval na obvyklou uroven, a do nove piksly se nevejdou knizky ani CD, tak necekejte zadny extra bohaty americky poklad.
Vychozim mistem do teto oblasti je Morina nebo Bubovice (oboji dostupne primestskym autobusem ze Zlicina). Dalsi moznosti jsou vlakove zastavky Srbsko a Karlstejn na jih od teto oblasti. Parkovat lze u zacatku zlute znacky asi 2.5km na vychod.