To find the cache, you will need to solve a mystery based on photographs taken on the University of Utah campus.
The listed coordinates are a good place to start. Your goal will be to locate the site each photo was taken from. When you find a site, try to stand in approximately the position the photo was taken. Using your GPS receiver, record the required digit for each photo as indicated below:
W 111 50.X29 A = X - 2 ___
W 111 50.X44 B = X - 6 ___
W 111 51.X56 C = X + 3 ___
N 40 45.X27 D = X + 1 ___
W 111 50.X47 E = X - 7 ___
N 40 45.X79 F = X - 6 ___
N 40 45.X66 G = X - 3 ___
W 111 51.X35 H = X + 5 ___
All of the photos were taken on the lower campus and are in no particular order.
When you find a site, don't worry too much if the last digit or two of your GPS reading doesn't quite agree with those listed.
Once you have located each site and noted the required numbers, build the coordinates for the final cache using the letters indicated as follows:
N 40 4A.BCD
W 111 5E.FGH
To check the accuracy of your findings, apply a "checksum" test: A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H = 30
Hints for each photo are included in Additional Hints. If you need some help, send me an email and I will be glad to assist.
If you enjoyed this cache, please check out this list of Photo Caches.
Have fun!