Located somewhere in the retail district of Whitemarsh, MD
Even though it seems to be out of the spotlight, please be discrete when retrieving this. Contrary to popular belief, no special tools are required to open the container. Please bring your own writing instrument, although a back-up is available. Now, on to the puzzle!
Four men are standing in a line as shown and they cannot turn their heads. There is a brick wall between A and B that they cannot see through. They know that they each have one hat, and that of the four hats two are black and two are white. They cannot see the color of the hat that they are wearing. In order to be released from the line, they must call out the color of their hat. If they are wrong, no one can leave. They are not allowed to talk to each other, and they have been given ten minutes to figure out their hat color.
After 1 minute:
One of them calls out -- which one called out?
How can he be 100% certain of the color of his hat?
This is not a trick question and there are no outside influences nor any other ways of communicating. They cannot move or see behind them, nor can they see through the wall.
A=.123 B=.456 C=.234 D=.567
Add the correct answer to the latitude and go get it!
Have fun!! -Lp