View of the Water Works Traditional Cache
techjunkie: Cache has been ruined by someone peeing in it. :(
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A traditional cache located in a public area. I have raised the terrain rating to 1.5 because it is not wheelchair accessibe from a seated position.
The Memorial Villages are a cluster of 5 small incorporated cities situated along I-10 and surrounded by Houston. The villages are served by a common water utility and fire department while Hedwig Village has its own police department.
This cache is located with a view of the Memorial Villages Water Works. Not a particularly scenic view, (it's a utility) but the cache is located along a pleasant walking path between a nearby park and the Hedwig Village Police station. The only public parking you will find is at the park and then you will need to hoof it with GPS in hand.
Beware of doggie land mines. This is a popular dog walking zone and some owners have not caught on to proper cleanup protocol.
The cache is a small container able to accomodate smaller trade items. It is the ultimate traditional cache in terms of the container and its hiding place.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)