Final location : N40 0A.BCD W076 1W.XYZ
A = Samuel Garner died February 6, 188A.
B = Anna Loos lived B1 years 2 months 9 days.
C = John Adam lived 39 years C months 27 days.
D = Catharine Muma was born on August 31, 18D3
W = Amanda S. Leed was born on October W, 1853
X = Anna Birkinbine died June 27, 19X3
Y = Elizabeth Ann Adam lived 58 years Y months 16 days.
Z = Samuel McAllister died on August 22, 186Z
A + B + C + D + W + X + Y + Z = 39
The final location is about 3/4 miles away
Please be respectful. No Night Caching