Sv. Jozef/ St. Joseph Traditional Cache
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Cerkev sv. Jožefa je zgrajena v novoromanskem slogu. Pri opremljanju cerkve je sodeloval tudi arhitekt Jože Plecnik. Kar precej casa je bil v njej studio Viba Film. Je najdaljša cerkev v Ljubljanski škofiji.
St. Joshep’s Church is built in New Roman style. The architect Jože Plecnik participated in decorating the church. There was Viba Film Studio in it for a quite a long period. St. Joseph’s Church is the longest church in the Ljubljana diocese.
Cerkev sv Jožefa je bila zgrajena v letih 1912-13 in 1921-22, v novoromanskem slogu, po nacrtih benediktinskega arhitekta Anzelma Wernerja. Na zacetku prve svetovne vojne se je v njej naselila avstrijska vojska (200 vojakov), ki jo je uporabljala tudi za vojaško skladišce. Od leta 1915 jo je mesto uporabljalo za skladišce za moko in druga živila. Leta 1921 je bila cerkev vrnjena jezuitom. Tedaj je pri opremljanju cerkve sodeloval tudi arhitekt Jože Plecnik. Maja 1941 so po njegovih nacrtih izdelali velicasten glavni oltar s kipom sv. Jožefa. Leta 1946 je bila cerkev zaplenjena. Od leta 1950 do 1995 je bil v njej studio Viba filma. Ob obisku papeža Janeza Pavla II. leta 1996 je bila spet vrnjena Cerkvi. Cerkev je zdaj obnovljena.
Zanimivost: cerkev sv Jožefa je najdaljša cerkev v ljubljanski škofiji (68,5 m).
St Joseph's Church was built from 1912 to 1913 and from 1921 and 1922. It was built in New Roman style following the plans of a Benedictine architect Anzelm Werner. At the beginning of World War I, it was occupied by the Austrian army (200 soldiers used to live there), who also used it as a military depot. Since 1915 it was used by the town as food storage. In 1921 the Church was given back to the Jesuits. The architect Jože Plecnik participated in decorating the Church. Following his plans, a magnificent main altar with St Joseph’s statue was made in May 1941. In 1946 the Church was confiscated by the Communist regime. Between 1950 and 1995 there was Viba Film Studio in it. In 1996, when Pope John Paul II visited Ljubljana, it was given back to the Jesuits. The Church is now renovated.
An interesting fact: St Joseph’s Church is the longest church in the Ljubljana diocese.
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