Kimi's Secret Tree II Traditional Cache
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Small Camo’d Loc ‘N Loc, please replace carefully
Remember to bring a Pen! DO NOT TAKE THE RESIDENT COIN! It is in with the log book.
This is a new spot for an old cache!
This is a Butterfly themed cache, please try to keep it in the theme!
This is Kimi’s secret place, it is just for her, and the people she trusts the most. She loves to come here to think and practice her flying and butterfly etiquette. Please be respectful, and be sure to bring by any butterfly friends for her to play with.
Kimi’s Story:
Once, there was a beautiful butterfly named Kimimela. She was a stunning yellow and bronze colour, but very clumsy. One day while she was flying along a strong gust of wind knocked her into a Witches' humble abode. At first, Kimi was very scared but soon learned this was no evil Witch.
The Witch and the butterfly became friends, and the Witch soon learned of Kimi's clumsiness. The Good Witch felt bad and decided she had to do something for her new friend. So, she wove a spell that captured Kimi in metal to perserve her until she could learn how to be an elegant butterfly. The spell can only be broken once Kimi has learned enough to fly gracefully with her butterfly friends.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)