This is the second cache of a 4 part series of Fido, the Lost
Dog Mystery. It is not necessary to do the series in order but it
makes the story FUN!.
Ben sat by his phone nervously awaiting for someone to find
Fido, his lost dog. A few Geocache Detectives called saying they
spotted signs of where he had been recently but they didn't see
him. The GeoCaching Detectives promised they would keep
looking hard!
Fido spent the night beside a large lake and took off early the
next morning towards what he thought was home. He traveled the
entire day trying to see something that looked familiar but nothing
After crossing a small park where he saw some kids playing, he
began to get hungry and was lucky enough to find a stick and an old
bone to gnaw on until the morning to comfort him.
Log only, bring pen.