pLease reAd ALL |nfo caRefu[[y, |ncludinG the LogS beFore se3k|ng! ==>
th|s cAchE Is in m0tion!
[cAchE |nfo]:
m|cro cAchE. verY verY sma[[.-->bR|ng yoUr 0wn pEn for
l0g anD t|ny t|ny iTems f0r cacHe.
[cAche |nsTructionS]:
- tAke cAche w|tH yoU wHen f0unD--->yoU musT [rE]hide |t
on saMe Day >>> |n NYC 5 boroS 0nly! maKE suRe its VerY VERY well HiDDen-noT someWhere som0ne wiLL finD iT/se3 |t by AcciDent* oth3rw|se |T ruIns fuN foR subSequEnt pEOple!
(i.E try t0 h|de it As "3 st4r d|ffiCulty!"
- ThEn, sAme day g0to cAche l|sting paGe on The url(thiS
paGe), l0gin, l0g y0ur v|sIt FouND, aNy |nfo yOu like, ANd
m0st importAnt *[the new c0ordinates]* f0r thE cache
and aNy other /coMments about nEw l0cAtiOn. do N0t
maKe a neW caChe rep0Rt or nEw pAge f0r |t, a[[
Info will be hEre 0nthe original page/+ in thE l0gs.
- fEel frEe
t0 Alter c0ntainer aPpearaNce, bUt d0 not chAnge
coNtainer isElf.
*iF yOu aRe unaBLe tO (re)hIde |t tHe sAme dAy y0u fInd it--->: PlEase iMmediaTely l0gin and l0g you vIsit hErE As a "nOTe" so seEkerS knoW |t's |n y0ur p0session and wi[[ not be l0oking f0r It. then l(o)gin anD l0g As "FOunD" w/nEw c)0ordinates + inF0 whEn yOu r[e]h|de: pleAse do nOT holD ont0 iT lonG#.
Keep in minD maP at boTTom of This Page onlY be foR originAl loCation..